Addtional References
Other Reading Material
Biomaterials Science: An Introduction
to Materials in Medicine,
1st Edition, Ratner et al., Plenum Press, Academic Press,1996
Materials Science and Engineering -
An Introduction, 4th Ed,WD Callister, Jr.
Biomaterials - An Introduction, 2nd
Ed, JB Park and RS Lakes
Required reading material other than that in the required
textbook will be announced in class and will be posted on
the course web site.
Course Methodology |
Instruction will follow an interactive lecture style format.
In order to develop an intuitive feel for material behavior,
"hands on" exposure to biomaterial samples and representative
devices will be featured in lectures and laboratories. Three
exams will be given in class consisting of multiple choice,
true and false, short answer and essay questions and will
be closed book. The course is supplemented by a set of laboratory
exercises which is designed to illustrate various practical
aspects of biomedical device design, fabrication and testing.
Those taking the course for gradate credit are required to
complete a term project.
Guest Lecturers
Bryon Wright, University Teaching Fellow, Department
of Bioengineering
Roy Biran, PhD, Research Associate, Keck Center for
Tissue Engineering, Department of Bioengineering
Robert W. Hitchcock, PhD, Director of Technology Development,
Sorenson Medical, Inc.
Phil Triolo, PhD, RAC, Phil Triolo & Associates
LC, Medical Product Development and Regulatory Consultation,
Salt Lake City Utah