Leung BK, Underwood CJ, and PA Tresco, (2005) Cytokine secretion
by primary microglia as a function of surface chemistry and rat
strain, 30th Annual Meeting Transactions, Society for Biomaterials,
Leung BK, Williamson TP, and PA Tresco, (2005) CNS tissue response
to implanted microelectrodes appears to be rat strain dependent,
30th Annual Meeting Transactions, Society for Biomaterials, 684.
Roberts MC, Wen X, and PA Tresco, (2005) Fabrication and in vitro
degradation of PLGA tympanostomy tubes, 30th Annual Meeting Transactions,
Society for Biomaterials, 390.
Merrill DR, Leung BK, Winslow BD, Kim Y-T, Underwood CJ, and PA
Tresco, (2005) Correlation of electrical impedance, cytokine expression,
and histology at the biosensor-brain tissue interface, 30th Annual
Meeting Transactions, Society for Biomaterials, 316.
Wolchok JC, Brokopp C, Underwood CJ, and PA Tresco, (2004) Design
and validation of a novel bioreactor for investigating the response
of vocal fold fibroblasts to vibrational stresses, Annual Fall Meeting
Biomedical Engineering Society, 675.
Merrill DR and PA Tresco, (2004) Impedance characterization of
microarray recording electrodes in vitro, 26th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
Leung BK, Underwood CJ, and PA Tresco, (2004) Rat strain influences
microglial cytokine release on materials of differing surface chemistry,
34th Annual Meeting Transactions Society of Neuroscience, 686.4.
Merrill DR, Winslow BD, Kim YT, Underwood CJ, and PA. Tresco, (2004)
A novel tool for characterizing temporal changes at the biosensor-brain
tissue interface. 34th Annual Meeting Transactions Society of Neuroscience,
Biran R and PA Tresco, (2004) Microglial activation and neuronal
loss surrounding chronically implanted intracortical microelectrode
arrays, 34th Annual Meeting Transactions Society of Neuroscience,
Leung BK, Underwood CJ, Biran R, and PA Tresco, (2003) Microglia
adhere to a wide range of medically relevant materials and surface
coatings, 33rd Annual Meeting Transactions, Society for Neuroscience,
Bridge MJ and PA Tresco, (2003) A method of estimating diffusivity
of brain tissue adjacent to implanted biomaterials, 33rd Annual
Meeting Transactions, Society for Neuroscience, 11.10.
Walsh JF, Messina DJ, and PA Tresco, (2003) Human glial precursors
are unaffected by nanometer scale surface topography, 33rd Annual
Meeting Transactions, Society for Neuroscience, 674.14.
Roberts MC, Biran R, Webb K, and PA Tresco, (2003) A novel approach
for engineering a bridge for nerve repair, 33rd Annual Meeting Transactions,
Society for Neuroscience, 790.15.
Merrill DR, Biran R and PA Tresco, (2003) The effects of adsorbed
proteins and cellular species on microelectrode array performance,
33rd Annual Meeting Transactions, Society for Neuroscience, 414.12.
Smeal RM, Rabbitt R, and PA Tresco, (2003) Guidance of neurites
on curved substrates is enhanced by low dose taxol and cytochalasin,
33rd Annual Meeting Transactions, Society for Neuroscience, 35.2.
Kim Y-T, Underwood CJ, Bridge MJ, and PA Tresco, (2003) Brain reactivity
to transplanted fibroblasts decreases bioavailability of small molecules
in adjacent tissue, 33rd Annual Meeting Transactions, Society for
Neuroscience, 150.6.
Biran R and PA Tresco, (2003) Quantitative characterization of
brain tissue reaction to intracortical microelectrode arrays, 33rd
Annual Meeting Transactions, Society for Neuroscience, 414.8.
Tresco, PA, (2003) Tissue engineering applications in spinal cord
repair, NSW Premiers Forum on Spinal Cord Repair, Sydney, Australia.
Tresco, PA, (2003) Engineering vocal fold extracellular matrix,
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Denver, CO.
Tresco, PA, (2003) Mining the borderland of biomaterials in the
CNS, Engineering Tissue Growth International Conference & Exposition.
Kim Y-T, Underwood CJ, and PA Tresco, (2003) Encapsulated transplanted
fibroblasts increase brain tissue reactivity in adjacent parenchyma,
Transactions of 29th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 76.
Zhang N, Bridge MJ, and PA Tresco, (2003) Variations in surface
architecture alter the brain tissue response to implanted hollow
fiber membranes, Transactions of 29th Annual Meeting Society for
Biomaterials, 445.
Walsh JF, Messina DJ, and PA Tresco, (2003) Unlike astrocytes,
glial precursors are insensitive to parallel, sub-micron scale surface
features, Transactions of 29th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials,
Smeal RM and PA Tresco, (2003) Age dependent response of neurons
to substrate curvature, Transactions of 29th Annual Meeting Society
for Biomaterials, 450.
Wen X and PA Tresco, (2003) Brain tissue response to implanted
poly(lactide-co-glycolide) hollow fiber membranes, Transactions
of 29th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 442.
Roberts MC, Biran R, Webb K, Broadhead KW, and PA Tresco, (2003)
Three-dimensional astrocyte cultures as bridging substrates for
regenerating axons, Transactions of 29th Annual Meeting Society
for Biomaterials, 449.
Bridge MJ, Broadhead KW, and PA Tresco, (2003) Modeling diffusive
transport of solutes in brain tissue adjacent to implanted cell
encapsulation membranes, Transactions of 29th Annual Meeting Society
for Biomaterials, 525.
Biran R and PA Tresco, (2003) Brain tissue response to implanted
micromachined microelectrode arrays, Transactions of 29th Annual
Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 316.
Webb K and PA Tresco, (2003) Engineering the biomechanical properties
of connective tissue in elastomeric porous substrates, Transactions
of 29th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 725.
Messina DJ, Alder L, and PA Tresco, (2002) Stereological comparison
of pure and mixed populations of human neural precursors transplanted
into intact adult rat brain, 32nd Annual Meeting Transactions Society
for Neuroscience, 726.10.
Kim YT, Broadhead KW, Messina DJ, and PA Tresco, (2002) Reversible
delivery of cell derived soluble factors to brain tissue using a
refillable cell encapsulation device, 32nd Annual Meeting Transactions
Society for Neuroscience, 387.14.
Biran R, Manwaring ME, Walsh JF, and PA Tresco, (2002) Induced
organization of reactive astrocytes and meningeal monolayers is
sufficient to increase the directed outgrowth of regenerating axons,
32nd Annual Meeting Transactions Society for Neuroscience, 825.2.
Webb K, Smeal RM, Hitchcock RW, Gray SW, and PA Tresco, (2002)
The development of soft and flexible substrates for tissue engineering,
Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 25:194.
Webb K, Li W, Hitchcock RW, Gray SD, and PA Tresco, (2002) Three-dimensional
culture of human laryngeal fibroblasts changes the expression profile
of ECM-related gene products, Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting
Society for Biomaterials, 25:195.
Hitchcock RW, Thomas S, Webb K, Gray SD, Titze I, and PA Tresco,
(2002) Applying controlled vibration and tension to tissue engineered
constructs, Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials,
Manwaring ME, Walsh JF, and PA Tresco, (2002) Remodeling fibroblastic
tissue at the neural biomaterial interface, Transactions of 28th
Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 25:46.
Walsh JF, Manwaring ME, and PA Tresco, (2002) Engineered adult
fibroblast monolayers are capable of promoting directed outgrowth
of axotomized adult neurons, Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting
Society for Biomaterials, 25:49.
Smeal RM, Rabbitt R, and PA Tresco, (2002) Biomaterial surface
curvature is sufficient to direct neurite outgrowth, Transactions
of 28th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 25:355.
Kim Y-T, Broadhead KW, Messina DJ, and PA Tresco, (2002) Reversible
delivery of cell-derived soluble factors to brain tissue using a
refillable cell encapsulation device, Transactions of 28th Annual
Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 25:115.
Leung BK, Zhang N, Messina DJ, Biran R, and PA Tresco, (2002) Changes
in hollow fiber membrane surface morphology and chemistry alter
adult brain tissue response, Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting
Society for Biomaterials, 25:708.
Bridge MJ, Broadhead KW, Kim Y-T, Messina DJ, and PA Tresco, (2002)
Estimating the diffusive properties of an implanted cell encapsulation
membrane and the adjacent tissue within the adult brain tissue,
Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials, 25:283.
Broadhead KW, Kang E, and PA Tresco, (2002) The influence of spinneret
size and flow rate on the structure and permeability of PAN-PVC
hollow fiber membrane, Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting Society
for Biomaterials, 25:692.
Wen X and PA Tresco, (2002) Biodegradable hollow fiber membrane
for creating space within the CNS, Transactions of 28th Annual Meeting
Society for Biomatearials, 25:50.
Dietrich J, Messina DJ, Tresco PA, Noble M, and M Mayer-Proschel,
(2001) Characterization of human glia restricted precursor (HGRP)
cells in vitro and after transplantation into the adult mammalian
brain, 31st Annual Meeting Transactions Society for Neuroscience,
Herrera JJ, Yang H, Zhang SC, Proschel C, Tresco PA, Duncan I,
Luskin M, and M Mayer-Proschel, (2001) Embryonic-derived glial-restricted
precursor cells can differentiate into astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
in vivo, 31st Annual Meeting Transactions Society for Neuroscience,
Messina DJ, Alder L, and PA Tresco, (2001) Characterization of
eNCAM-positive subpopulation of human progenitor cells following
transplantation into the adult rat brain, 31st Annual Meeting Transactions
Society for Neuroscience, 371.12.
Smeal RM, Rabbitt R, Clark GA, and PA Tresco, (2001) Axonal stiffness
may be an important guidance mechanism, 31st Annual Meeting Transactions
Society for Neuroscience, 795.11.
Underwood CJ, Zhang N, Kim YT, Hitchcock R, Bridge M, Biran R,
and PA Tresco, (2001) CNS reactivity to implanted biomaterials is
suppressed by soluble factors derived from co-implanted young astrocytes,
31st Annual Meeting Transactions Society for Neuroscience, 213.12.
Tresco PA, Messina DJ, Jorgensen CM, and GG Greuger, (2001) Stability
of transgene expression by genetically modified immortalized fibroblasts
in an encapsulated device in the subcutaneous space of athymic mice,
Annual Meeting Society of Investigative Dermatology.
Zhang N, Biran R, and PA Tresco, (2001) CNS reactivity to hollow
fiber membranes is dramatically suppressed by soluble factors derived
from co-transplanted young astrocytes, 27th Annual Meeting Transactions
Society of Biomaterials, 24:183.
Kim Y-T, Zhang N, Manwaring M, Biran R, and PA Tresco, (2001) Adult
rat brain tissue reactivity is enhanced by biomaterials that chronically
traverse the leptomeninges, 27th Annual Meeting Transactions Society
of Biomaterials, 24:552.
Hitchcock RW, Kim Y-T, and PA Tresco, (2001) A refillable cell
encapsulation device for examining the influence of cell-derived
soluble factors on biomaterial induced host reactivity, 27th Annual
Meeting Transactions Society of Biomaterials, 24:74.
Kang E, Broadhead KW, and PA Tresco, (2001) Functional properties
of PAN-PVC membranes used in various tissue engineering applications,
27th Annual Meeting Transactions Society of Biomaterials, 24:558.
Bridge M, Broadhead KW, Hitchcock RW, Webb K, and PA Tresco, (2001)
A novel instrument for transport characterization of cell encapsulation
membranes, 27th Annual Meeting Transactions Society of Biomaterials,
Webb K, Biran R, Herrera JJ, Budko E, and PA Tresco, (2001) Comparison
of neurite outgrowth on astrocyte monolayers cultures on materials
of varying topography and adsorbed proteins, 27th Annual Meeting
Transactions Society of Biomaterials, 24:12.
Broadhead KW and PA Tresco (2001) The effect of membrane transport
on the release of dopamine from encapsulated PC12 cells, 27th Annual
Meeting Transactions Society of Biomaterials, 24:181.
Manwaring M, Biran R, and PA Tresco, (2001) Convesion of inhibitory
biohybrid constructs into permissive ones that direct neurite outgrowth
by treatment with the cell adhesion molecule L1, 27th Annual Meeting
Transactions Society of Biomaterials, 24:555.
Biran R, Webb K, Budko, and PA Tresco, (2001) PEO-immobilized fibronectin
enhances motility and alters the morphology of sensory growth cones,
27th Annual Meeting Transactions Society of Biomaterials, 24:9.
Wen X, Webb K, and PA Tresco, (2001) Multifilament entubulation
burdging device for axonal guidance and regeneration, 27th Annual
Meeting Transactions Society of Biomaterials, 24:182.
Tresco PA, (2000) Biointeractive materials for engineering the
neural interface, Annual Materials Research Society Meeting, #OO
Messina DJ, Mayer-Proschel M, Rao M, and PA Tresco (2000) Migratory
capacity and differentiation potential of human neuroepithelial
precursor cells in adult rat brain, 30th Annual Meeting Transactions
Society for Neuroscience, 415.9.
Smeal RM, Rabbit RD, and PA Tresco, (2000) Substrate curvature
restricts the directional outgrowth of dorsal root ganglion cell:
implications for development, 30th Annual Meeting Transactions Society
for Neuroscience, 508.14.
Biran R, Noble MD, and PA Tresco, (2000) Astrocyte cytoskeletal
alignment is required for directional growth of adherent neurons,
30th Annual Meeting Transactions Society for Neuroscience, 508.15.
Biran R, Noble MD, and PA Tresco,
(2000) Directionally organized primary nervous tissue by biomaterials
templating, 6th World Biomaterials Congress Transactions, #7.
Smeal RM, Biran R, Budko E, Noble MD and PA Tresco, (2000) The
development of a biosynthetic analogue to a pioneering axon, 6th
World Biomaterials Congress Transactions, #161.
Webb K, Budko E, and PA Tresco, (2000) Neuron selective substrate
by immobilization of cell adhesion molecules, 6th World Biomaterials
Congress Transactions, #394.
Manwaring M, Noble MD, and PA Tresco, (2000) Surface microarchectiture
induced matrix organization promotes alignment in multiple cell
layers, 6th World Biomaterials Congress Transactions, #451.
Budko E, Biran R, Noble MD, and PA Tresco (2000) Biomaterial surface
physicochemical properties influence neurite outgrowth and directionality,
6th World Biomaterials Congress Transactions, #1003.
Robins M, Broadhead KW, and PA Tresco (2000) Evaluation of polysulfone
phase inversion membrane for cell encapsulation, 6th World Biomaterials
Congress Transactions, #1498.